
Best humic liquid fertilizers available for golf courses
Best humic liquid fertilizers available for golf courses

best humic liquid fertilizers available for golf courses

Water every 3-4 days with enough volume to soak the ground without runoff or puddling.Īlways Water First Thing in the Morning to Avoid Water Standing at Night Causing Lawn Fungus etcetera or Evaporating before it has Time to be Absorbed! The Science Behind It

best humic liquid fertilizers available for golf courses

Golf Courses and sport venues may require a different type of watering schedules than residential yards. Regular watering is essential to achieve optimal results with Covington Liquid Lawn Aerator. every day to continue to allow the soil to reproduce nutrients and build stronger root systems in your grass and plants. It is better to water every couple of days vs. You can then return to your normal water cycle. Then come back in 6-24 hours and water again with a good soak (do not create any run off or puddling). WATER: After initial application give it a good soak unless you used a hose end sprayer. SEEDING: You can apply Covington Liquid Lawn Aerator solution to new seeds before or after applying planting. This is not healthy long term for your lawn, garden, or plants, and chances are you will end up burning up the lawn and plants eventually and have to start over…. If you are simply looking for a way to turn your dull brown grass into green, load it up with nitrogen and you should see a difference within 4-7 days assuming you water it sufficiently, and then continue to pump nitrogen into it every 3-4 weeks throughout the summer to keep it green. On occasion we have had customers write or call and ask us why their grass had not turned “magically” green in 10 days or the soil suddenly transform from hard clay to rich black topsoil in 7 days….

best humic liquid fertilizers available for golf courses

After the first treatment, you should re-treat every 45-60 days during the growing season, While temperatures are above 50 degrees Fahrenheit, to continue to enrich and feed the soil. It takes a minimum of 45-60 days for these enzymes to make a difference in your soil. The process of soil conversion cannot happen in 10 days. And who wants to do that? If you want a long- term solution of richness and activity in your soil that will continue to give you healthy grass, plants, and vegetables, do it naturally by continuing to feed the soil with healthy nutrients that work for you.


The alternative is to dig the first 8” off the top, fill with rich topsoil, then resurface with new sod, and come back with a thin layer of rich topsoil that is full of the enzymes that our Liquid Lawn Aerator possesses. Every quart of Covington Liquid Lawn Aerator contains literally billions of enzymes ready to go to work to enrich and convert your soil into an all-natural environment of richness.Ĭonverting your soil does take time, especially if your soil is currently lacking in There is a blend of four bacillus strains of bacteria that work to enrich the soil. The composition of minerals, essential nutrients, humic acids and microbes work to break up the soil naturally to increase nutrient uptake. The Liquid Lawn Aerator is a powerful biological that alleviates the effects of compaction, increases nutrient uptake and promotes healthier plant growth using carbohydrates to fuel the microbes, as well as provide an extra energy boost to the plants. Our Liquid Lawn Aerator introduces several components into the soil to break up the soil and allow these pores to exist and encourage saturation of water as well as retention, and reduce weed seeds, insect eggs and pathogens. These pore spaces are also where the biological component of soil exists and without bacteria and fungi along with insects such as worms and beetles (yes, really) all make the soil richer for your growing components.

Best humic liquid fertilizers available for golf courses